Dear subscriber,
The World Potato Congress Inc. is an organization that promotes the biennial international World Potato Congress. We are a volunteer, non-profit organization dedicated to support the global growth and development of the potato industry.
The biennial World Potato Congress is the world’s premier international gathering of potato related interests and together with the Board of Directors, International Advisors and Executive Director, we are committed to supporting and improving this unique networking platform for the global potato industry.
World Potato Congress Inc. was created 30 years ago in Charlottetown, PEI, Canada, and has evolved into the modern, dynamic and ambitious organization it is today. This is the result of energetic involvement and commitment of my three predecessors Lloyd Palmer, Allan Parker and Dave Thompson together with their Board of Directors. The new Board and management of World Potato Congress are excited to continue and further develop this global network.
More than ever, innovations in the potato sector seem to develop at a greater speed. New technologies are becoming available to potato professionals all over the world which increase opportunities for new projects in this ever evolving sector.
During the last years, we have noticed a growing demand for support and knowledge sharing from organizations active in developing countries. New opportunities arise to enable the start of public / private partnerships, which create opportunities for local communities to find a way out of poverty or to develop new sustainable growth.
The role of the Sustaining Partners Initiative is crucial to stabilize the World Potato Congress’ operations and to provide seed money necessary to continue and increase the quantity and quality of our networking opportunities. As such, Sustaining Partner’s support will help to develop and promote the benefits of the potato globally.
On behalf of all potato professionals active in the chain from farm to fork, we are grateful for the support of the Sustaining Partners in creating additional opportunities to join the global potato family by helping WPC become a unique global networking platform.
As President of the World Potato Congress Inc., I am always available to provide you with additional information about our program.

Peter VanderZaag