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The World Potato Congress Inc. Industry Award Nominations are Now Open

The President and CEO of the World Potato Congress Inc. (WPC), Mr. Romain Cools, Belgium and the Chairman of the WPC Industry Awards Committee, Mr. Tamas Houlihan, Executive Director of the Potato & Vegetable Growers Association, Wisconsin, USA are pleased to announce that nominations are now being called for the 2021 World Potato Congress Industry Awards.

The World Potato Congress Industry Awards is an important and prestigious event on the international potato scene. These awards recognize a lifetime of contributions to the potato industry. Typically, three outstanding individuals are recognized during the awards presentation ceremony at the bi-annual Congress. The next Congress will be held in Dublin, Ireland, May 31 to June 3, 2021.

Written nominations are now being invited for submission. The application form and submission instructions appear on the WPC website at Submission of applications will close at the end of business on November 30, 2020. The Awards Committee will assess all written applications and make the appropriate recommendations to the WPC Board of Directors.

Prominent past Industry Award recipients include: Mr. J.R. Simplot and Mr. Harrison McCain. The 2018 Industry Award recipients presented at the Congress in Cusco, Peru were: Dr. Gary Secor, USA; Dr. Anton Haverkort, the Netherlands and Mr. Alberto Salas, Peru.

For further information on the Industry Awards, please contact Tamas Houlihan, Chairman, WPC Industry Awards Committee at

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